A new resolution for better labelling to tackle health hazards due to alcohol consumption has got the green signal from the European Parliament’s committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and is expected to be approved for 2016-2022.

As per the resolution, better labelling of nutritional information and ingredients of alcoholic beverages needs to be given, which was welcomed by a coalition of public health organisations as a small step towards reducing the damage caused by the intake of alcohol.

Sponsor of the resolution, Glenis Willmott MEP, stated: "Many people have no idea just how many calories are in alcoholic drinks, unless they are determined enough to search on the company’s website. This is unacceptable and the vote today paved the way to recognise the need of consumers to take informed decisions when it comes to alcohol consumption".

The full European Parliament Plenary will now take the Resolution forward for approval.

Secretary General of Eurocare, Mariann Skar, said: "All MEPs should now support this call for new action on alcohol, what should be considered as an investment in health to ensure a stable, robust long-term economic growth. Alcohol-related harm costs at least Europe 2-3% of GDP, mostly from lost productivity. Real costs to society are likely double that, as that figure does not include costs to anyone other than the drinker."

Europe being the most alcohol consuming region in the world, shows rampant alcohol abuse, which is a big problem health-wise as well as doing major socio-economic damage.

Estimated social costs due to alcohol abuse in Europe came to around €155.8bn in 2010, of which €82.9bn was not within the healthcare system. Alcohol also costs nations around 2-3% of their GDP due to lost productivity.

With the new EU Alcohol Strategy, the present regulatory framework on alcohol should be strengthened, helping the respective governments to reduce the health and cost damage caused due to alcohol significantly.

Another way is to follow the footsteps of the Scottish Government, which proposed an Alcohol Minimum Unit Price (MUP), one of the cheaper and better ways to reduce the harm brought about due to alcohol intake.