Corby Distilleries, a Canada-based alcohol manufacturer, marketer and distributor of spirits and imported wines, has unveiled a new website – – with interactive web tools and updated content for investors, job-seekers and customers.

Launched in English and French language, the site features a drop-down menu that provides direct access to the detailed information of around 150 brands of Corby, including five varieties of Wiser’s Canadian whiskey brand and over 25 varieties in Jacob’s Creek family of Australian wines.

All the newly released products and packaging are featured in a dedicated innovation section of the website.

Users can use the single-click download option under ‘Investor Briefcase’ section to download documents of published shareholder information such as earnings reports and investor presentations.

Subscribers can receive updated Corby news through its new subscriber tool incorporated in the site.

Designed and developed by Toronto-based The Works Design Communications, the site also features a new career section with updated job-postings for job-seekers interested to be a part of Corby.

Corby Distilleries human resources vice president Paul Holub said the Corby core values of conviviality, straightforwardness, commitment, integrity and entrepreneurship shine through in this new website.

"We have seen tremendous change in our company over the past few years," Holub added.

"The new website will help us share our journey with the world."